wenn das Rindfleisch zuende ist, folgt Huhn für mehrere Tage [when beef is finished, there is chicken for some days]
#5 Lahore, Cavalry Ground, street #3, House #5 & Cannt, Shami Road, House #13

240 slides, 135 film, loop
concept by Nike Arnold

This work focuses on the subjective question of: „What is safety?“ and on being thrown
back to ones own actions and borders as an artist. The unplanned, arbitrary, threatening
interferes into the previously outlined setting of the work and forces the outside to become
a pure projection: the house, in which one is situated in this moment, must not be left
anymore due to political riots.

As material for the work emerges a correspondence between the both artists, descriptions
of everyday life, interviews with the attendants in the house, photographies of the interior
and what gets trough from outside via newspapers and television.

The installation puts together text passages, quotations, images and subjective perceptions
of the situation in an random order.