168 units x 6 elements = 1008 pieces
investigation #6 MacArthurpark, Los Angeles, CA 90057 (upcoming)

2 investigation kits:

1 folding chair
1 camera
1 sound recorder
1 clipboard & pencil
1 investigation form per day
1 plastic bag per day
1 alarm clock
1 torch
1 whistle
1 water bottle
1 sunglasses, suntan oil

168 units of:

2 photos (20x30 cm)
2 investigation forms
2 plastic bags with collected objects

CONDUCTING: Rudi Fink & Nike Arnold (different language skills [German, Spanish, English], backgrounds,
genders) return to the park daily for 1 hour over the entire period of the residency (6 months) = around 168 days.
Each day they start the investigation 15 min. later than the day before = 2 cycles of day and night.

1 daily sequence consists of the following actions:

… biking to the park – entering the park – positioning ourselves 5 steps left of the position from the previous day – cleaning an area of 5x5 feet & collecting its objects – putting them into a plastic bag (routine that draws attention) – unfolding chair (recognition factor) – sitting down – taking 1 picture (document of time and position of the sun/moon) – taking necessary utensils out of bag (writing utensils, sound recorder, sun tanning lotion, etc.) – conducting the investigation (using the investigation sheet) while allowing for other influences (factor y) – putting things back into bag – folding chair – leaving the park ...